Text Writing Rules
14 January 2020 | 16:13

Abstract and Full Text Writing Rules

1.     The abstract and full-text of the proceedings should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines in the Spelling Guide (Yazım Kılavuzu) published by the Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu).

2.     In the study, the title should be centered in bold with capital letters, and the name and surname of the author should be placed just below the right. Academic title, institution and e-mail address should be included in the footnote (*) without a number.

3.     The text should include a Turkish abstract of 250-300 words after the title and author name. The text should be written in Times New Roman font in 12 pt.

4.     The abstract must accurately reflect what is included in the presantation and must not include information that does not appear in the body of the paper.

5.     The text should be written in Microsoft Word and blocked according to A4 paper size; 3 cm from the bottom, top and right and 4 cm from the left. Page numbers should be 1 cm below the text.

6.     The text should be written with 1.5 line spacing. The paragraph spacing must be set to 6 points, then 6 points.

7.     References should be given in parentheses in the text in the form of surname, year of publication and page number: (Köprülü 2004: 50)

        Books: SURNAME, name (year of publication): Book Name (italic), place of publication and publisher:

        KÖPRÜLÜ, Fuad (2004): Saz Şairleri, Ankara, Akçağ Yayınevi.

        Encyclopedia article/ article/ paper/ book chapters: SURNAME, name (year of publication): quotation "paper / book section / paper name", Journal / Book / Encyclopedia Name (italics), place of publication, volume and number, should be given in the form of pages:

        KÖPRÜLÜ, M. Fuad, (1926): "Selçukîler Devrinde Anadolu Şairleri: Hoca Dehhânî", Hayat Mecmuası, Sayı 1, s. 4-5.

8.     Full-text should not exceed 12 pages.

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